Challenging times provide another lens to look at the many aspects of our lives — the people, the places, our values, our fears.
One large piece positioned for reevaluation could be around the place you work and what you do. I am not referring to only the physical office but the quality of your work life and how it fits with your goals and aspirations. It is a difficult time in the world of work but not all sectors or levels are being impacted negatively. Deciding should not be immediate in most instances but looking at the pros and cons might offer options and insights.
Here are some questions I challenge my executive coaching clients to ask themselves when they are trying to decide whether they love it or should leave their job or career.
Ask Yourself: Love It or Leave It
What does my organization stand for?
Do senior leaders behave in a way that fits with my value system?
Do I ever question the ethical decisions senior leaders make?
Is diversity visible at all levels of the company?
Am I proud to say I work at X?
Is it easy to be a good ambassador for the organization?
Is the organization financially stable and how do I know?
Is the technology current and accessible?
Is this a good fit for my work style?
Am I often bored?
Do I look forward to going to work?
Do I find most projects interesting and challenging?
How have I been treated in difficult times?
Has health and safety been given priority status within the organization?
Is my boss an advocate for me and my work?
Do I love my job but hate my boss?
Is there enough interaction with people?
Is there room for advancement?
Am I on the list of high potential candidates?
Are internal promotions the norm?
Has my skill set expanded and deepened?
Am I compensated fairly within the organization?
Is my compensation in line with other companies in the sector and in my geographic location?
Can I afford to work here and/or in this type of job?
Does my paycheck cover more than my essential expenses?
Is feedback given on a regular basis and do I have a good idea of where I stand?
Is formal and informal, in-person and remote, training available to me?
Are my health and other benefits meeting my current and future needs?
Is there opportunity to work remotely if I want or need to?
Is my office space conducive to quality work?
Are headhunters presenting opportunities that seem better than what I have?
What role would timing play in my decision to stay or leave?
Do I have all the elements of a job search strategy in place?
Finally – is this what I want to do, or must do?
Stepping back and looking at where you work and what you contribute is an activity most of us don’t do often enough. Maybe these challenging times is the perfect time to do so. Take a quiet moment and go through the list, maybe add, and answer, a few more questions. See what you find.
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