How We Will Work Together:
Human Capital Professionals
You are in a senior leadership position with responsibility for many aspects of the organization, not the least of which is a multi-leveled and diverse workforce. The goals of the company can only be reached with everyone meeting their full potential and working together. You are looking for an outside professional to assist and guide you in this mission.
There are those specific people who could benefit from greater and directed attention. Maybe they are your technical experts with no people management skills who now need to lead teams, the senior leader who cannot retain staff, a high potential individual whose career you want to accelerate; the team of individuals that has trouble collaborating or appreciating one another’s contributions, or a top person with some blind spots. You know they could benefit from coaching with an experienced, professional coach but what does it look like?
The reality is you do not have the time or bandwidth to work at the level and intensity these people need and deserve to become strong contributors. Without additional skill building and insight they will never reach their full potential and productivity, may cause unnecessary staff turnover or risk, or leave for other opportunities. You and your organization need to invest in your greatest asset — your people. Executive coaching is one way this can happen.
At ExecutiveCoachNY we believe in the development of people and in the responsibility of the workplace to play a role in that process.
There are two basic formats of coaching services — Individual and Group/Team Coaching
Individual Coaching begins with a meeting of the executive overseeing the coaching, the employee’s supervisor, and Jane Cranston. We discuss the “what’s up and why now” for the person(s) being considered for coaching. Exploration as to challenges, expectations, and timeframes are laid out. The potential candidate then meets and interviews Jane to ensure a match and buy-in. Once that is achieved the coaching can begin.
All individual coaching is customized, and one-on-one. There is no set of general models or formats, but an incorporation of proven methods, techniques, exercises, and instruments specifically chosen for the person to be coached and the level and place at which they work.
An initial individual client engagement is six months. There is a start-up coaching meeting with the person to be coached, which encompasses going over a ramp-up packet, a discussion of goals and timetable, as well as the delivery of instrument feedback. It takes approximately a half day. Individual coaching sessions then commence with two sessions per month for six months. In addition, there are three, 3-way meetings with the client, his/her supervisor, and the coach. These occur at the onset of coaching, mid-term, and near completion. The purpose is to assess progress, address opportunities, issues and concerns, hold the coaching client and supervisor to commitments, and set the stage for ongoing progress.
Individual sessions can take place in the privacy of my Manhattan office, in your offices, virtually, on the telephone, or some combination. Three-way meetings occurs in-person either in my office or in the company’s.
The initial ramp-up packet asks for many details about the person’s current role, past experiences, and goals and aspirations. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step 11 Interpretative Report and the TKI Conflict Management Assessment are administered to all coaching clients. It is interpreted and feedback is given directly to the client by Jane Cranston. We have found that even if the employee has taken the MBTI previously, they have rarely, if ever, had it delivered and explained in a manner that is personalized, applicable and memorable.
If a 360 process is part of the company’s development plan coaching often plays a role in the design, administration, and delivery of feedback and the creation of goals with the client based on the information gained from the tool. If a 360 instrument does not exist or has not been administered, Jane Cranston can provide a custom-designed 360 assessment tool, speak in-person with all raters, interpret the data and deliver feedback to the individual.
Group/Team Coaching is appropriate for new teams, low-functioning groups, multi-discipline participant groups, similar level high potential employees, and teams with great diversity and groups with a new leader or members. The goal generally is increased effectiveness and productivity, reduced stress, more collaboration, enhanced creativity, and increased appreciation of all members’ contributions.
Team executive coaching often is initiated by a senior leader of a division or company. An exploratory meeting with Jane Cranston outlines the challenges and goals. A program is then custom designed to meet immediate and future goals and needs of the members of the team.
Team programs may occur in my Manhattan office, onsite, or in an off-site location. Programs may be two half-days, full days, or monthly over six months.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step 11 instrument is administered, interpreted, and feedback delivered to all group participants individually. A group profile is also developed. Custom-designed exercises are performed to learn and apply the concepts and practical uses learned from the tools. Additional exercises and real-time experiences help the team appreciate the contributions of each member and improve decisionmaking. A conflict management instrument (TKI) is also administered and exercises and experiences incorporated into the program to assist the team in resolving current and future issues.
Other tools and instruments can be engaged to meet the specific needs of the team.
Teams complete coaching with an appreciation of their own abilities and blind spots, those of others, ways to best utilize talents and experience, set goals and identify objectives and timelines, divide work and responsibilities, make commitments and decisions and resolve conflict and differences.