People are quick to say, “Things are getting back to normal,” now that the pandemic is showing signs of fading. I am quick to reply, particularly when speaking about the workplace, “We will never go back to what was, and who would want it to?” [Read more…]
My Boss is Crazy! — What Can I Do?
My boss is crazy – what can I do?
“He’s driving me crazy!” “The woman is toxic!” “How can I get anything done with this maniac?”
Is your boss crazy? Maybe, but not likely. What is crazy is his/her behavior and you are often the spectator, recipient, and target of much of their acting out. [Read more…]
Give Yourself a Gold Star for Your Accomplishments
‘Tis the season when we measure and are measured for our successes (gold stars), lost opportunities, and missteps. Often the grading comes from others — bosses, teachers, partners, family, complete strangers, and society. What if we were to measure ourselves, looking for accomplishments and revelations rather than disappointments, failures, and errors, using our own scale rather than that of others? What if you earned gold stars? [Read more…]
Taking Your Workplace Stress Home?

Stress, work, pain.
Do you take your work issues home with you? Arrive depleted and distracted? In these working from home days that sounds like a stupid question. What I really mean is are you able to forget and/or stop bringing the stresses of the day job into your personal life? If you are saying “of course I can,” you are a rare bird. [Read more…]
Increase Your Influence and Impact at Work
In their recently published book, “Influence and Impact — Discover and Excel What Your Organization Needs from You the Most,” executive coach and psychologist, Bill Berman, and co-author, George Brandt, a longtime corporate executive, also known for his more than 700 articles on, take a deep dive into how an employee can get recognized, appreciated, and advance. [Read more…]
Tips for Creating a Succession Plan
Succession planning is often described as the process of identifying critical or hard to hire positions in an organization. It operates as an action plan about the individuals who will assume those positions. In simple speak it’s a plan to determine who is (or will be) ready and capable of filling a role that has been vacated by retirement, resignation, termination, illness, or a request to move into another role or discipline, or as a response to trending ideas and future staff needs currently not met. [Read more…]
Who is Standing on Your Shoulders?
The expression “standing on the shoulders” was written frequently by the 17th Century British physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton. He is quoted as saying, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulder of giants.” He gave credit to the many who came before him, influencing and contributing to his eventual monumental scientific discoveries. [Read more…]
Why You Need a Career Strategy
When speaking with colleagues, prospective clients, and family/friends, they often say, “I don’t need a career strategy, I know where I’m headed.” Or “Who can predict the future, especially regarding work?”
I say, you don’t have to be psychic to be able to figure out potential opportunities and obstacles you may be facing in the workplace. One of the best ways to take advantage of new horizons, or get ready for battle, is a well-designed career strategy. [Read more…]
Time to Reinvent Yourself
Reinventing yourself can be radical, narrow, and specific, or a small shift with significant impact. It calls for change in ourselves as employees, members of a family, citizen of the world, or as an individual. It requires the awareness something is not working, there is more to life, or our current behavior isn’t authentic. Part of reinvention has to do with how you see yourself and the rest with how others see and react to you. Here are areas you might consider exploring. [Read more…]
Do You Suffer from Email Overwhelm?
You probably know exactly what I am referring to when I ask about email overwhelm. You’re waiting for the boss to email you with the okay to move forward. Six members of your team are emailing asking, “Have heard from the boss?” They want to know when and how to meet. CNN is posting “breaking news.” A colleague just sent you a link for a podcast. Accounting wants to know if you submitted expenses. The Tech Help Desk’s email is announcing a system update. Your partner needs to know if Friday night is still okay, and everyone seems to be hitting “reply all.” [Read more…]
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