As I see it, there are really three places you can exist in your career—Comfort, Growth, or Fear zones. As the visuals show, they co-exist in varying proportions depending on a number of factors. FYI—I have intentionally left out stagnation in this model as I think it’s a topic all its own.
Let’s assess where you are. Take a look at the graphic with the three ovals, then think of a work issue, your current status, or even take a bird’s eye view of the recent past. Ask yourself “Where am I?” “Am I operating mostly in my comfort zone?” You know the comfort zone—the place where there are no surprises, few challenges, not too much pressure, and a tolerable pace. Before you scream “I wish!” Think about it as a day-in, day-out routine. It’s easy to tolerate especially if you have personal and family challenges pounding in your brain and pulling at your sleeve. If you happen to have an inattentive, not demanding boss, it’s all the easier. So maybe for a time a slow, predictable period is desirable but long-term it’s a recipe for disaster. [Read more…]