I am always amazed how many smart, successful, on top of everything, leaders fail to take care of such simple but important disciplines of their career. They give 100% at the office yet when it comes to their career strategy, they barely give it a thought or the time required. [Read more…]
What’s Your Career Exit Strategy?
Career exit strategy! Before you click out saying, “This has nothing to do with me,” let me pose a few questions.
- Is your present job so secure that nothing threatens it?
- Do you plan to “die in the saddle”?
- Do you have a succession plan?
- Do you have passive income?
- Is your work fulfilling all of your needs and desires?
If the answer to one or more of these is “no,” then you need an exit strategy.
Let’s look at a few: [Read more…]
How to Get the Offer
I see it over and over again, a client goes on an interview, makes it past HR (in my book the highest hurdle), is sent up to meet the department head, onto the hiring manager with a stop by the top person, and then no offer. What happened?
Ruling out the circumstances beyond your control, such as they were going to hire from within from the get go, a hiring freeze was put in place, or they chose not to fill the position, what can you do to make sure you get the offer, promotion, or key project? [Read more…]
Retooling Your Resume
Oh the resume, that piece of paper you carried to the college career counselor, handed to prospective campus recruiters, and quickly filed away. Or did you toss it once you were hired? Why would you ever need another resume?
Think again. The phone rings, it’s a search firm with an inquiry. Suddenly you’re hearing about an intriguing position. [Read more…]
Become More Creative By Remembering Less
My first kindergarten assignment was to go home and find out the family home phone number. The next day we practiced memorizing those digits. As I recall the teacher helped us put the number sequence to some kind of rhythm not dissimilar to those 800 ads that help you remember where to buy a mattress or donate your car to charity. To this day, I still remember the Longfellow Street number. [Read more…]
Should I Change Careers?
Many people are asking themselves, “Should I change careers?” Whether it is because the industry you know has lost its purpose (CD anyone?), your lifestyle demands your increased presence (twins!), or you are unmotivated, disenchanted, burned-out, under-stimulated, or just can’t face looking at that guy in one more meeting, the thought of making a radical change probably has occurred to you. [Read more…]