The word civility is surely not new to the language, yet it is not a term you hear spoken every day. It took a “shellacking,” a tea party, and a deadly shooting for a few people to step back and ask “is this really the way ‘we’ want to treat one another?” Of course, most of us, myself included, are quick to blame others before we monitor our own boorishness, but there is something that rings true, at this time, in this world, which says maybe there is a lesson to be learned. [Read more…]
What is the Competitive Edge?
How does a company, firm, or individual determine if they have, want, or are striving toward the competitive edge? Questioning “what is professional success?” is a good first step. For many, the easy answer is money and status. But, when these are attained (or lost) it is surprising how ethereal they were. On the other hand, if success has more to do with an ability to express oneself and be heard, engage with a passion and interact with equally motivated people, then the target moves. Whatever the definition becomes, it is clear that to acquire the edge and remain competitive takes risk. [Read more…]
Take Me to a Leader
The news of the day appears to confirm what we already know. There is a serious lack of leadership in the world. Corporate World (my phrase for what many call Corporate America) is no exception. Whether it is people in high profile positions preying on adolescent interns, nation heads thinking power is measured in mega tons or boards compromising their company and personal values to protect corporate secrets, it would seem challenging to find examples of leaders whom people would want to follow no less aspire to become. [Read more…]
Myths, Facts, and How Tos about Networking
There is a myth circulating in the workplace and neighborhoods. It goes something like this “Networking during (fill in the blank, Thanksgiving, Christmas, August, end of quarter, bad weather… ) is a waste of time because no one is around.”
Simple logic would tell you that can’t possibly be true. Not everyone is out of the office, on vacation, or out of the house. In fact, I find fewer people take leave [Read more…]
Manage Time to Fit the Challenge
Everyone is trying to manage time. When you hear them talk, you would think it could be manipulated — stretched or duplicated. It isn’t possible and for those who think they can, it’s more of a game than a solution.
Knowing there are but 24 hours in a day, the challenge becomes more about how we plan, schedule, and utilize our minutes than it does with attempting to find more. [Read more…]
Coaching Yourself to Your Career Goals and Life Dreams
I’m fortunate to have a diverse group of executive coaching clients. Although why they come to coaching may be similar, such as accelerate their career goals, workplace issues, and challenges with leadership and managing people, their expectations and stated outcomes are always varied. By necessity coaching has to be customized; never relying on any sort of template to suit everyone. Never, until I was introduced to the grape cluster. [Read more…]
Capable of Disruptive Ideas?
The other night I was watching an interview of two major players at Google Ventures. Google Ventures is the in-house “radical” venture group of the organization, the people who hunt for new ideas and people with ideas, and then invests time and skills with them with the hope of finding the next big thing. [Read more…]
Retooling Your Resume
Oh the resume, that piece of paper you carried to the college career counselor, handed to prospective campus recruiters, and quickly filed away. Or did you toss it once you were hired? Why would you ever need another resume?
Think again. The phone rings, it’s a search firm with an inquiry. Suddenly you’re hearing about an intriguing position. [Read more…]
Why Performance Appraisals are Essential
About eight years into my first career (as many of you know I’ve had a few), I ranked high enough to have access to files. As any good snooping executive would do, I looked at my folder. To my surprise there was almost nothing in it. Okay, yes, there was the usual tax forms, my original applications, and some outdated references but what was obviously not present was [Read more…]
It’s Energy Management, Not Time Management
For nine consecutive years, info marketing guru Dan Kennedy had been a presenter at the #1 seminar tour in the US. You only have to be around Dan an hour to observe his certain kind of genius as well as understand that maverick is not an understatement. Despite his eccentric behavior he manages to hold on to some very sensible pearls of wisdom. [Read more…]
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