Here are promises I made to myself and/or encouraged my executive coach clients to consider for their 2020 actions and attitudes.
Drop or avoid toxic people.
Meditate morning and night.
Cherish and nurture good friends.
Honor the generations before you.
Learn from the generations after you.
Refuse to talk about work during dinner or in bed.
Delegate routine tasks to people who do it better.
Increase charitable giving with money, goods, and time.
Hide the clothes you wear too often and move forward items in the back of the closet.
Stand on public transportation (not airplanes) and during phone calls.
Quickly place useless e-mails in junk box.
Limit the amount of political commentary you read or watch.
Execute that great idea.
Update your contact list, include birthdays.
Book preventive medicine appointments In January.
Take more photos of those you love.
Dedicate the first five minutes of work to visualizing the day.
Enforce one-in / one-out rule with possessions.
Locate five apps to enhance your life.
Look in the mirror and see what you like.
Write or update your legal documents — will, power of attorney, health care proxy.
Reduce your carbon footprint by 10%.
Cry as needed, laugh when in doubt.
If all else fails, give’em you best “Happy New Year!”
Which of these actions and attitudes for 2020 will you incorporate into your life?
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